deKay's Lofi Gaming

Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice (DS): COMPLETED!

It would actually appear that the point I saved at yesterday was actually immediately before the final conversation in the game, so technically I completed it then. It took me ages (a couple of months, I think) to finish, but it’s not through lack of interest – more lack of time. I played it for 20 to 30 minutes a night, most nights, for that time. Anyway, the verdict on the game? Excellent. It’s Phoenix Wright only different only the …

Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice (DS)

I’ve had this for aaaaages, but haven’t played it. Then I forgot I had it. Then, this week, I was looking for something I could play for reasonably short bursts on my DS and I stumbled across it on my shelf. Game get! And, it’s more of the same. Only different. Sort of. The first trial is more tutorial than anything else, but it has some Phoenix Wright backstory, introduces Apollo, and implicates his mentor. So, quite a bit in …

Bargainous Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice

The “new Phoenix Wright game”, Apollo Justice, is due out for Western DS gamers on the 12th February. Unlike the previous three titles, the Japanese version didn’t have an English language option, so those of us gagging for more courtroom “action” have had to wait. But the wait is nearly over! And, so sweeten the deal a bit, Play Asia have it up for pre-order for the bargain price of just ¬¨¬£16! Take That!

Completed 2009

Professor Layton and the Curious Village (DS 07/01/2009) Lego Indiana Jones (360 31/01/2009) Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage (360 14/02/2009) Miner Dig Deep (360 19/02/2009) Strong Bad’s Cool Game For Attractive People – Episode 3 (Wii 25/02/2009) Lego Batman (360 21/03/2009) Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine (360 28/03/2009) Peggle (360 28/03/2009) Mirror’s Edge (360 09/04/2009) GTAIV: The Lost and Damned (360 15/04/2009) Outrun Online Arcade (360 16/04/2009) Penny Arcade Adventures On The Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode 1 (360 25/04/2009) Strong …